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Certificate of Spiritual Growth





CRAVING:  Having a Godly Hunger and Thirst

It is easy to fill our bodies with food because we know we need to. Our survival depends on it. Yet we must not neglect our spirits, for they too depend on food and drink. Our spirits too are hungry, craving the flavors of God. Our spirits too are thirsty, craving the refreshment of God. So then we must ask of ourselves, are we desirous to taste and see just how good God really is?



INHERITING:  The Fruit of the Spirit

Love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control.  We know what the fruit are, but do we understand the importance of the fruit? Galatians 5:23 states that against these fruit there is no law.  So why are we not eating the right fruit?  And why are we not offering the right fruit to others?



ALIGNING: The Proper Alignment of Leadership


Many times alignment in life begins with an alignment in our faith.  Maybe you are out of alignment with how God wants to use you in your community, workplace, church and family.  Mis-alignment can cause stress, pain, spasms, and restlessness.  Come and lay on the table of the Great Physician, allowing Him to re-adjust you, re-align you, and refresh you.



GEARING:  The Armor Piece by Piece


Paul writes that we should put on the whole armor of God so that when the enemy comes we are able to stand (Eph 6:11).  We know the enemy is real, and his desire is to defeat us.  Yet we have been given armor.  Are we wearing it?  And do we know how to use it?  In this class we will look at the armor piece by piece, studying its purpose and its use in the fight.



BELIEVING: Knowing Who You Are in Christ


We judge ourselves by the words of others, by the appearance of others, and by the actions of others, but when was the last time we looked at ourselves in the light of God's Word?  God not only made man and woman in His likeness when He created them, but He also showed His love through the sacrifice of His Son.  You have been adopted in His family.  Come and see what He thinks about you.



STUDYING:  Study to Show Yourself Approved

2 Timothy 2:15 urges us to study to show ourselves approved.  The result of our study is not so that we can have a big head and titles behind our name, but so that we can rightly divide the Word of Truth.  Step into the classroom and learn of study habits and tools that you can use to not only further your understanding of God's Word, but rightly divide His Word also.

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